January 2019 Minutes

MIN 19-06

Witham on the Hill Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting of Witham on the Hill Parish Council (Min 19-06) 20th January 2020 at 7.00 p.m. in St Andrew’s Parish Hall


Cllrs: Charles Henriques (Chair), Andrew Greenwood, L O’Hara and Sue Pennant-Jones


Others: Bernard Champness – Clerk, County Cllr B Adams. District Cllr C Benn

Open Forum

There were no residents present and the meeting was opened at 19.00. The Chair welcomed all present and wished them all a belated Happy New Year.

61. Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies

61.1 Apologies were received from Janet Kirkwood (health) Resolved: that the apologies be accepted.

62. Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item

62.1 No one declared an interest in any item on the agenda.

63. Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on the 18th November 2019 (19-05)

63.1 Resolved: That the minutes of the 18th November 2019 were signed by the Chair as a correct record.

64. Matters to report on the minutes of the 18th November 2019 – restricted to items not listed elsewhere in the agenda

64.1 It was reported that at the last Village Hall meeting it was suggested we had a defibrillator or if not one should be purchased and placed on the side of the Village Hall. There was one at the school, but it was not clear whether this belonged to the village or the school. The Clerk was asked to contact the school to find out who owned it. Depending on the answer he was to obtain a quote for a new one. The Clerk pointed out that in Bretton, Peterborough the local St John Ambulance purchased one with a grant from the Parish Council at a cost of £1,090.00 with an additional £250 for it to be installed. It was understood that Elaine Brock had previously indicated that she was willing to train people how to use one.

64.2 Mrs Plummer had asked about whether we could paint the playground equipment. She had asked for a quote from her painter who quoted more than £900.00. This was discussed and agreed that the equipment belonged to South Kesteven District Council and they should at first be approached to see if they would do this work as it was their responsibility.

64.3 Water is still leaking from the Bywells gulley under the road and escaping through cracks in the surface lower down Bottom St. This was considered to be a potential hazard in cold weather if it freezes. It was agreed that this was not something that the Parish Council could or should deal with as it was the responsibility of the landowner, South Kesteven District Council Cllr Benn offered to find out who we should contact and Cllr Greenwood offered to act as point of contact.

64.4 In so far as the noticeboard in front of the village hall was concerned this was discussed at the last meeting and Mrs Plummer had been advised that this belonged to the Village Hall. To replace it with the Parish Council noticeboard located on the Village Green, would mean giving up exclusive use and it was felt this might compromise the Parish Councils statutory obligations to post notices clearly. So whilst there was some sympathy with the suggestion that the Village Hall could share it’s use and avoid having to replace the existing notice board, on balance the Parish Council were more comfortable with the existing arrangement.

64.5 Cllr O’Hara pointed out the potential availability of grant funding for projects that the Parish Council wanted to undertake.

64.6 Cllr Pennant- Jones reported that still nothing has been done regarding the state of the area by the garages as reported at the last meeting. It was suggested that if she had an opportunity to call in to the Council Offices in Grantham this might clarify the position.

65. To receive a report from the County and District Councillors on matters relating to Witham on the Hill.

65.1 Cllr Bob Adams reported the following:

  • There was nothing new to report other than the budget had been prepared for the next financial year.
  • Highways were busy trying to ensure that houses were not flooded.
  • There was a new contractor appointed by Highways. Balfor Beatty would be replacing Keir on a new 10-year contract. The change should make it easier to report faults which will be logged. Individual pothole repairs will now include any works required within 50 meters either side. The priorities for repairing potholes remain A roads, followed by B roads and then minor roads.
  • “Fix my Street” was now easier to use and report problems on. If you have a camera on your telephone take a picture and just send that online and they will issue a report number and keep you updated with on progress. No other details were required.
  • Cllr Adams was advised that the problem of flooding in front of Kiln Cottage had been fixed and thanks were expressed for his input.
  • He was also advised that on the A 6121 40 mph advisory notices had been installed. Unfortunately, they were white signs rather than yellow and it was thought that they could be more prominent. Cllr Adams was asked to try and get the double white lines in place as soon as was possible, as accidents remain a regular occurrence. 65.2 Cllr Benn reported the following:
  • He noted that there was nothing on planning that he considered contentious
  • The District Council would be trying to set a budget for the next financial year and he felt that cuts would inevitably be made. He reported that local car parking costs would be increasing as there had not been a rise in the last 10 years. However there would still be free car parking in Bourne.
  • He asked if we had thought any more about a Neighbourhood Plan. He was advised that we were still considering the process and if whether we could get a grant. He suggested the Clerk telephone the District Council and ask to speak to Jake in the Planning Policy Department or Roger Ransome. Either would be able to offer guidance.

66. Clerks Report and correspondence received

66.1 A report of the correspondence received by the Clerk was circulated.

  • The Clerk pointed out that he had received an e-mail from the County Council advising that they were upgrading the town and parish council websites that they currently host. This upgrade will ensure that these websites are also mobile-friendly and are up to date with the latest accessibility requirements. Support for our current website will end on 31 March. This means that they will remain active and available to use but will not be fixed if anything goes wrong. They are aiming to switch them all off by 30 April. However, they will only switch off the current website when we are happy that the new one is ready.

67. Planning applications – to approve the following planning applications received.

67.1 S19/2216 – erection of single storey and extension and partial demolition of single storey extension. Demolition of conservatory, garage and outbuildings and erection of a new double garage along with the alterations and landscaping at Greystones, Main Street Witham. Resolved: no objections.

67.2 S20/0025 – fell leylandii (red) remove Cupressus (blue) remove garrya (purple) remove yew (orange) remove willow (green) cherry reduce by 1 metre (grey) and remove apple (yellow). Resolved: no comments or objections.

68. To receive an update on the purchase of 6 passive speed limit signs for £40 from the Community Speed Watch Scheme

55.1 Cllr Henriques had now prepared a map showing a possible 14 different locations around the village where the signs could be erected. This was circulated and approved. He would now send this off to the Community Speedwatch Team with a cheque for £40. He was hopeful they would then send the signs which the council could erect and move periodically between different locations.

69. To receive an update on the A6121 crossroads and to decide what action might be necessary to progress the matter further

69.1 There was nothing further to add to what Cllr Adams had been advised under Item 65.1

70. To discuss the problem of water running on the Bywells and what can be done to rectify this

70.1 There was nothing to add to what had been discussed under Item 64.3

71. To confirm Expenditure

£128.60 – HMRC (PAYE & NI) £194.28 – B M Champness (Salary for October, November and December) £4.20 -B M Champness (book of first class stamps) [ ]denotes those payments paid between meetings, which have been approved by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parish Council or at a previous meeting but not listed Payments made by Direct Debit - £

71 1 Resolved that the above payments be made

72. Any other business – Reminder – by law no decision can be made under this item only information exchanged.

72.1 There being no other business the meeting was formally closed at 20.07

73. The date of the next Parish Council meeting – to be held on Monday 16th March 2020 at 7.00 p.m. at St Andrew’s Parish Hall, Witham on the Hill.