May 2021 Minutes

Witham on the Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Witham on the Hill Parish Council (Min 21-01) 6th May 2021 at 7.00 p.m. held remotely by video link 

Present:     Councillors: Charles Henriques, Janet Kirkwood, Lynne O’Hara and Sue Pennant Jones
            Residents: Paul Smith, Frances Plummer.
Others: Bernard Champness – Clerk

Open Forum 
Frances Plummer wanted to report that the footpath sign at Lings Farm had fallen down. Cllr Kirkwood said that she would take this matter up with the Footpaths Officer. 

Frances Plummer also wanted to know when the benches and the roundabout on the Green were going to be painted. Cllr O’Hara said that SKDC will notify us when the work will be undertaken but did not have a date. It was agreed that 
Frances could organise the re-painting work as she had volunteers to help, and paint left over from the last job.

The meeting was formally opened at 19.05. 
1. To elect a Chairperson and to receive the Chairperson’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office and if not then received to decide when it shall be received
1.1. Cllr Henriques was the only nomination, and was duly elected as Chair for the forthcoming year. 
2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Chairperson

2.1. Cllr Henriques was to sign the Acceptance of Office as soon as conveniently possible. .
3. To elect a Vice Chairperson
3.1. As no one had been nominated it was agreed that this matter would be left in abeyance. The Clerk explained that if the Chair was unable to attend a meeting then the Councillors could vote for someone to act as Chair for that occaision.  
4. Cheque signatories and banking arrangements
4.1. Resolved: that all Councillors be cheque signatories. Any two could sign a cheque. 
5. To adopt and/or amend the Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment
5.1. Resolved that as the Standing Orders and Financial regulations had not been amended there was no need for further amendments and that they should be adopted. The same applied to the Risk Assessment. 
6. Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies
6.1. No apologies were received as all Councillors were present. 
7. Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item

7.1. No one declared an interest in any matter that was on the agenda. 
8. Minutes of the last meeting held on the 15th March 2021 (20-06) 
8.1. Resolved: That the minutes of the 15th March 2021 were signed by the Chair as a correct record as soon as conveniently possible.  .
9. Matters to Report
9.1. The Clerk reported that after spending up to 10 hours of training how to use the new website, it was now working, and he hoped that people would find it both useful and informative.  He hoped that with the various links to local services, residents would use the website as the first port of call to find out who to contact and how. Cllr Kirkwood said that she had already posted an article in the Three Towers notifying people of the website address 
9.2. Cllr Henriques said that there was still a problem with people discarding dog poo bags along footpaths.  In addition someone was leaving bags in various locations in the village.  This was no doubt well intended but as they become dislodged this turns into litter which could become a hazard for stock/wildlife.  He felt that we would have to reconsider the action to take at the next meeting. 
10. To Co-opt a Councillor
10. Paul Smith volunteered to be co-opted. He has lived in the village for over 20 years and wanted to make a contribution to the village by serving as a Councillor. In response to the Clerk’s enquiry he was able to confirm he is neither an undischarged bankrupt nor did he have a criminal record.  

Resolved: that Paul Smith be co-opted to join the Council. The Clerk would Send him the necessary paperwork to sign and read and he was invited to remain in the meeting as a Councillor 
11. To receive a report from the County and District Councillors.
11.1.No representative from either the county or District councils were in attendance pending the outcome of the election taking place today.
12.Clerks Report and Correspondence received. 
12.1.The Clerk had circulated in advance notice of the various e-mails received since the last meeting. If anyone wanted to see any e-mails they should let him know and he would send it on. 
13.Planning applications: 
13.1.Planning Applications to Approve:

There were no planning applications to consider at the time that the agenda was sent out but since then an application had been received This was S21/0841 - Proposal: Reduce height of ash tree (T1) to 8m Reduce height of ash tree (T2) to 1m at Park House, 2 Home Farm Lane, Witham On The Hill, PE10 0JL, Response by 19 May 2021. Resolved: that the Clerk would have delegated authority to respond, and following consideration of the proposal it was resolved that there would be no comment or objections.

13.1.1.Planning Applications approved: 

S21/0012 - Proposal: Erection of a single storey field shelter at Palace Farm Main Street Witham On The Hill PE10 0JH.
14.To receive an update on the reactive sign 
14.1.Cllr Henriques was able to report that the Road Safety Partnership had approved 4 potential sites for the reactive sign and had refused one other, He would have to look at whether the sites approved were in the right location and if they were we could then purchase the sign,. It was resolved that if the sites and locations were agreed then Cllr Henriques had authority to purchase the reactive sign and to spend up to £2,750.00
15.To receive an update on the defibrillator 
15.1. The defibrillator had been purchased and was stored at the Clerks home. There was no point in installing the equipment as the pads were not included and would be delivered sometime this month. As a result, it was resolved that the Clerk contact Wel Medical and tell them that until they delivered the pads we would not pay the invoice. 
16. To set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting
16.1. Subject to the hall being available the date for the Annual Meeting would be on the 14 June 2021 at 7 p.m. The Clerk was to check availability with David Clifford and also the dates for the remaining meetings this year.  
17. To agree a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year
17+.1. It was resolved that the following further dates of meetings were agreed for the forthcoming year:

12th July 2021
13th September 2021
8th November 2021
10th January 2022
7th March 2022. 
18.Audit of 2020/21 Accounts      
18.1.To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21, Resolved: that the Annual Governance Statement 2020-21 be approved after answering the required questions
18.2.To accept the Accounting Statement 2020/21 as a true record. Resolved: That the Accounting statements be accepted as a correct record.
18.3.To sign the Annual Return and submit for Audit. Resolved: that the Annual return be signed by the Chair and submitted for Audit.
19.To confirm Expenditure

£175.37 – Zurich Municipal (Insurance premium)
£100.00 – MozzyMak Pest Control (mole control on The Green and Churchyard)
£1378.80- WEL Medical Ltd (new defibrillator) 
£0.85 – B M Champness (stamp) 
£137.50 – D Thornburn (Internal Audit fee 2020/21)- 
£150.00 - GS Parkes (Audit fee for 2019/20)- 
£106.50- Mrs F Plummer (paint)
£40.00 - Lincs County Council (survey fee for speeding signs) 
[  ]denotes those payments paid between meetings, which have been approved by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parish Council or at a previous meeting but not listed
Payments made by Direct Debit - £

19 1. It was resolved that the above payment be made except for the invoice from Wel Medical as agreed under item 15. The Clerk also pointed out that the last three payments had not been formally approved and at the Internal Auditor’s suggestion, they be added to this agenda for record purposes although they have been paid.  
20. Any other business – Reminder – by law no decision can be made under this item only information exchanged.
20.1. Cllr Smith enquired about reporting trees that were overgrowing a footpath, making it difficult for people to walk by without having to step into the road. He was advised that in the first instance the Clerk would contact the resident to request the overgrowth be cut back.  The Clerk would write to the resident as soon as contact details were provided. 
20.2. There being no other business the meeting was formally closed at 20.00
21. The date of the next meeting – to be held on Monday 12th July 2021 at 7.00 p.m. at St Andrew’s Parish Hall, Witham on the Hill