November 2020 Minutes

MIN 20-02

Witham on the Hill Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting of Witham on the Hill Parish Council (Min 20-04) 9th November 2020 at 7.00 p.m. held remotely by video link


Councillors: Charles Henriques (Chair), Janet Kirkwood, Sue Pennant-Jones, Lynne O’Hara

Others: Bernard Champness – Clerk, Cllr Bob Adams, LCC.

Residents: Joanne Plews, Frances Plummer, and Lisa Lord.

Open Forum

i) Jo Plews and Lisa Lord were able to provide an update on initiatives to combat speeding through the village, having been in touch with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP). As a start they felt that the best way forward was to undertake a speed survey which would require volunteers to monitor traffic speed periodically. LRSP would provide a site survey with training on procedure and 6 static lamp post speed signs for a £40 fee. A handheld speed gun would need to be purchased along with hi vis jackets and an advisory community speed watch signage kit. It was also suggested that two additional static speed signs may be required bringing the total outlay up to about £390.

A desirable but more expensive option was the purchase of reactive speed signs which could be placed at either end of the village but cost per unit would be between £1,700/2,000 exc VAT. Wheelie Bin Stickers (Check Your Speed) were another option - cost 50p each.

A question was asked if there was any chance of funding by way of a grant, Cllr Adams said that it was unlikely a grant could be obtained from the District Council. Another question was asked about insurance cover and it was explained that the equipment would be covered by the existing Parish Council insurance policy.

ii) Frances Plummer asked about the cost of a defibrillator. She had ascertained that the Church Hall committee would not object and that although Listed Building consent would be required this was unlikely to present any problems.

Jo Plews said she had obtained costings for a defibrillator and forwarded to the Clerk who had distributed this to the Councillors. The Clerk explained that he too had obtained a quote from Wel Medical and this had also been circulated. Jo Plews felt this quote was more competitive. The cost of the defibrillator and wall cabinet with battery and pads would be £1,149.00 plus VAT and included a 10 year warranty.

Frances Plummer mentioned that the School were still happy to extend the use of their defibrillator to the village, but signage was really needed in order to find it easily.

iii) Lisa Lord felt that there was a shortage of dog poo bins and asked if one could be located in Bottom St. It was explained that even if we purchased a bin, SKDC would not accept responsibility for emptying it.

Cllr Henriques (Chair) explained that these matters would be discussed in the meeting as they were on the agenda and the meeting was officially opened at 20.00

50. Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies

50.1 No apologies were received as all Councillors were present.

51. Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item

51.1 No one declared an interest in any matter that was on the agenda.

52. Minutes of the last meeting held on the 14th September 2020 (20-03)

52.1 Resolved: That the minutes of the 14th September 2020 would be signed by the Chair as a correct record as soon as conveniently possible.

53. Matters to Report

53.1 Cllr O’Hara reported that SKDC were happy for us to paint the play equipment on the Green but they expected the area to be fenced off, a risk assessment undertaken and the painting to be done in the spring of 2021, as it was too wet now. However most of the works have been completed already with only a few outstanding items, such as the roundabout, for which new seats are awaited from SKDC.

Cllr Henriques wished it to be recorded that this has greatly improved the look of the play area and grateful thanks to Martyn Hyde, Valentino Callibresi and Frances Plummer for their hard work.

A cheque payable to Frances Plummer for the paint amounting to £106.50 was approved.

53.2 The necessary protective work on both stiles at either end of Church field has now been undertaken by the landowner.

53.3 It was mentioned that there had been flooding by Black Dog cottages opposite the school main entrance but it was reported that this did not appear to be a current issue and therefore any remedial works had probably been done.

54. To receive a report from the County Councillor.

54.1 Cllr Bob Adams gave the following report:

  • The budgets for both County and District Councils were on track this financial year and for next financial year as well. Covid19 was likely to have an impact on both business and domestic rates but there was no information yet. He was pleased to report that front line services would not be affected.
  • The matter of a Unitary Authority was now on the back burner again.
  • It is illegal for cars to park on the pavement and a new law was going to be passed. The Council took this matter seriously and would have Enforcement Officers in place to check for cars being parked illegally.
  • The government has made available substantial additional financial support to low income families to further help them in these difficult times. LCC also received £835k from the government for additional support for vulnerable people which has already been allocated as follows: additional funding of almost £400,000 to the Lincolnshire Food Partnership to ensure new and emerging local food banks will have grants and support in place to help them. To find details of your local food bank go to A further £215,000 to the Community Lincolnshire Programme run by the YMCA which supports Good Neighbour schemes and food kitchens for communities in Lincolnshire. You can find schemes in your area here: during the Covid19 pandemic. The Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (LRF) has been provided with £217,000 to bulk purchase food to support our most venerable residents.
  • Cleaning drains was now a priority.
  • He reported that he had been informed the approach to the A6121 crossroads will have double white lines applied which we have been asking for. This work will now probably be carried out in the Spring when weather conditions improve. The reactive speed sign has been replaced and advisory 40mph signage added to the junction/bend warning panels.

55. Clerks Report and Correspondence received.

55.1 The Clerk had circulated a list of e-mails/correspondence. There were no questions.

56. Planning applications:

56.1 At the time that the agenda was posted no planning applications had been received to be discussed. Since then a planning application has been received: S20/1898 - Pine (T6) and Bay (T7) - remove to ground level: at Witham Hall Preparatory School, Main Street. The Clerk explained that we had until the 20th November 2020 to respond. We could call a special meeting to deal with it or we could deal with the matter this evening and give the Clerk delegated authority to respond.

Resolved: That it be dealt with immediately and the Clerk was to respond saying there were no objections.

56.2 The following planning applications have been approved.

S20/1451 - Proposed single storey external store with covered way adjoining to dwelling. 3 additional dormer windows at Bridge Cottage Bottom Street

S20/1313 - Proposal: Spruce (T1) – Fell Willow (T2) - Re-pollard at Brookside Cottage Bottom Street

S20/1372 - Proposal: Remove 2 x cherry, 1 x willow, 1 x laburnum, 3 x holly, 1 x ash At Greystones, Main Street

S20/1458 - Proposal: Ash (T1) - remove to ground level Yew (T2, T3, T5) - remove to ground level Pissard's Plum (T4) - remove to ground level at Witham Hall Preparatory School Main Street.

56.3 The following application had been withdrawn by the Applicant:

S20/0983 Proposal: Two storey extension to the existing barn (revised scheme of SO8/LB/7038 and SO8/0987) at Palace Farm Main Street.

57. To receive an update on the A6121 crossroads

57.1 There was nothing further to add to what had already been reported by Cllr Adams in his report.

58. To receive a report on the Stocks and Bywells.

58.1 Cllr O’Hara reported that she had been in correspondence with Mel Cummings at SKDC about the condition of the canopy over the Stocks. Whilst it was recognised that significant works would be required to straighten the supporting legs, SKDC were not in a position to finance any work. The structure is also listed so appropriate approvals would be required if we are able to raise the finance independently.

The question of ownership remains to be resolved, because although it is understood that the Green and possibly the land where the stocks are situated was handed over for a peppercorn consideration in the past, not formal record of this has been found yet. It would also appear that title to the land has never been registered. The Clerk was asked to undertake further research of the minutes from 1985 -1989 to see if he could find anything to help clarify the situation.

59. To receive an update on the request for a defibrillator for the village

59.1 Following on from the discussions in the open forum there was a discussion about funding this proposal. Cllr O’Hara said that grants were available, and she would look into this for the Council. The Clerk advised that there was a possible grant of £200 from SKDC and would forward any information he had available.

The Clerk pointed out that it might be possible to apply for a loan from the Public Works Board as the interest was low and we could spread the repayments over as many or as few years as we wanted. If such a loan was to be considered we could think about incorporating the purchase of the reactive speeding signs as well as the defibrillator. He would investigate what we might be able to borrow and on what terms.

60. To receive an update on the purchase of the temporary speed notices from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership

60.1 This matter was discussed at length under the Open Forum, but a decision had to be made as to whether or not we wanted to purchase any of the equipment. After an expression of differing views it was resolved that we set aside £400.00 from the funds currently available and to further clarify the costing of the items required in order to have some passive speed signage and also undertake speed surveys with a handheld radar device.

61. To discuss the retirement of Godfrey Parkes the Internal Auditor and to consider who we can instruct in his place.

61.1 Godfrey Parkes had been our Internal Auditor for the last 5 years but because of his age he had decided to retire with effect from the 31st October 2020 from this position. The Clerk explained that we could not employ anyone from the Council as the auditor had to be independent of the Council. The Clerk explained that he had been in touch with LALC to see if they had a register of people who could be appointed as Internal Auditor. They do keep a register but in our area there were only a few people we could approach but there was someone in Holbeach that might be prepared to help. It was agreed that this was too far away, and we would see if we could get someone locally. In this regard a name was suggested and the Clerk was instructed to make an approach.

62. To discuss a request from a resident that metallic poppies are placed at the exit and entrance of the village for Remembrance Day and that the war memorial in the Churchyard is cleaned.

62.1 This request was made before the meeting and had been circulated to all Councillors. Cllr Henriques had contacted the British Legion to see if they could supply poppies that could be attached to lampposts, but they had stopped doing them and could not suggest who else to contact. Other suppliers had been approached without success. The idea was felt to be one that we should pursue next year, and the Clerk was asked to ensure this was on the agenda in September 2021. As for cleaning the war memorial this had already been undertaken by volunteers.

63. To discuss the new website and whether we instruct someone to load the information from the old site to the new one.

63.1 The Clerk explained that we had been approached by an individual who was willing to help transfer the data from the old website to the new one. His fees for doing this would be £300.

The Clerk was asked if it was necessary to have all of the previous year’s minutes on the website and he said that it was not given he could be contacted if old minutes were needed to be perused. After considering the matter it was resolved that we would not give instructions to an independent to do this but the Clerk would see what he could do himself in the meantime.

64. To confirm Expenditure –

£364.32 – B M Champness (salary for October - £86.56, November - £179.64 & December - £98.12) £90.60 – HMRC (PAYE & NI) [ ]denotes those payments paid between meetings, which have been approved by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parish Council or at a previous meeting but not listed Payments made by Direct Debit - £

64. 1 Resolved that the payment be approved.

65. Any other business – Reminder – by law no decision can be made under this item only information exchanged.

65.1 There being no other business the meeting was formally closed at 21:10

66. The date of the next meeting to be held on Monday 11th January 2021 at 7.00 p.m. by video conference (Zoom) unless it was possible by then to convene at St Andrew’s Parish Hall, Witham on the Hill.