March 2021 Draft Minutes

Witham on the Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Witham on the Hill Parish Council (Min 20-06)15th March 2021 at 7.00 p.m. held remotely by video link

Present: Councillors: Charles Henriques (Chair), Janet Kirkwood, and Sue Pennant-Jones,
Others: Bernard Champness – Clerk, Cllr Bob Adams, (County Councillor) 
Residents: Frances Plummer. Christine Bates, Gloria Greenwood and Richie Baines 

Open Forum
Christine Bates raised the problem of dog fouling around the village but particularly in Bottom Street. While some dog owners still fail to pick up after their dogs, other thoughtless individuals simply bag the excrement and leave it on the verge or discard it in woods alongside the bridle path. She had contacted the SKDC Dog Warden and cleaned the existing signage. The Dog Warden has been to visit and some new signs erected. The village is now on the Hot Spot list and further random checks will take place.
Discussion followed about other steps to be taken, including additional signage asking people to keep dogs on leads, and respect the village/countryside, the placement of a shovel alongside the bridle path, and a wider awareness campaign perhaps with the involvement of local children, to design a poster, reminding dog owners of their responsibilities. It was felt that additional litter bins would be unsightly and not necessarily effective as the problem is so widespread. While £100 fixed penalty notices can be served on offenders it was highly improbable this can be enforced effectively. However Richie Baines mentioned he was looking at CCTV options for his entrance gates which might be useful in identifying offenders and encourage responsible behaviour. Cllr Janet Kirkwood agreed to write something for the parish magazine to raise awareness, in particular how to report dog fouling on the SKDC website.

Frances Plummer said she was concerned that badgers may be trying to dig out a set on The Green as holes have started to appear. She also noted that the grass was becoming worn in places and in particular around the goal mouth. She was advised that there was little if anything we could do if there was a badger problem, but rabbits were more likely culprits. As for the worn grass patches there was little that could be done as this happened every year and has been exacerbated because of lock-down. Mrs Plummer suggested plastic matting could be a solution. She also reported that the top step from the Green by the stocks/telephone kiosk was broken and needs replacement. The Clerk was asked to report this on Fix My Street.

Mrs Greenwood said that whilst a defibrillator could prove to be a life saver, this depended on how quickly it could be applied to a patient. She explained that in the event of an emergency she would be unable to fetch the defibrillator in time because of the need to apply CPR immediately if for instance her husband should collapse. Therefore had any consideration been given to nominate specific residents who would be able to take the defibrillator to where it was needed.
It was explained that while East Midlands Ambulance Service would know where the defibrillator was and the access code, unfortunately the availability of any nominated custodians could not be guaranteed in the event of an emergency.

The parish council meeting was formally opened at 19.11

Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr O’Hara (personal) Resolved: that the apologies be accepted. .

Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item

No one declared an interest in any matter that was on the agenda.

Minutes of the last meeting held on the 11th January 2021 (20-05)

Resolved: That the minutes of the 11th January 2021 would be signed by the Chair as a correct record as soon as conveniently possible.

Matters to Report

Cllr Kirkwood had contacted SKDC about a street light that had not been working for some time in Bottom Street. She had now heard that this would be repaired shortly.

Cllr Kirkwood confirmed that she had written an article about dog fouling and submitted it to Three Towers magazine.

Cllr Pennant Jones said that laurels had now been planted in front of the new car parking area at East Green.

To Co-opt a Councillor onto the Council

The Clerk advised that no one had as yet come forward, so it was agreed that the matter remain on the agenda until a suitable candidate has been identified.

To receive a report from the County Councillor.

Cllr Bob Adams gave the following report:
● Budgets had been set by both the County and District Councils
● The Police had now sent in details of their budget for the new financial year and were seeking an increase of 6%
● County Council elections would take place in May 2021
● Enquires were being made about whether or not social distancing was necessary on school transport.
● The Clerk was to forward the emails that the Clerk had sent to the Planning Officer in respect of application S20/1620 and he would make enquiries as to whether the appropriate statutory requirements had been observed, as the PC said this was in doubt.

Clerks Report and Correspondence received. -

The Clerk had circulated a list of e-mails/correspondence. There were no questions.

Planning applications:

S21/0222 - Erection of single storey extension to south elevation at Witham Manor, Main Street. Response: 9th March 2021(now extended by the Planning Officer until 16th March 2021) Resolved: that no objections need be raised.

The following planning applications have been reported as approved:

S20/1518 - Erection of guest accommodation cabin for C1 use (guest accommodation) within the grounds of The Six Bells (a Grade II listed building) at The Six Bells Main Street.
S21/0330 - Work to trees - See Landscape Proposal Plan at The Old Vicarage Main Street
S21/0311 - Approval of details required by condition 3 of S20/194 (Archaeology) at Palace Farm, Main Street.

To discuss the planning application S20/1620 and the fact that we never received notification of the application despite asking for evidence that proper notices had been sent out and advertised.

The Clerk confirmed that he could not find any record of being notified by SKDC (planning dept) of this application.
Although the Planning Officer concerned has been contacted with a request for details/copy of the email that was allegedly sent to the Clerk and supporting evidence that notices were duly placed, along with details of any written notifications given to neighbouring properties, the Clerk is still waiting for a response.
Cllr Henriques requested a copy of the Clerk’s email and said he would draft a letter of complaint, expressing concern that SKDC had failed to observe statutory procedural requirements in this instance. This needed to be addressed as residents were not given adequate opportunity to make comments, as is their right.

To agree a date for the Annual Parish Meeting and whether we wish to invite a speaker as well as to agree a date for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

The Clerk pointed out that the law was changed last year to allow Parish Councils to meet remotely whilst under national lockdown and this would come to an end by the 7th May 2021. The Government might extend this, but if not we would need to hold the meeting in the Village Hall. As a result, it was resolved that we would hold both the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 4th May 2020. The Annual Parish meeting would start at 7 p.m. and last for 15 minutes and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council would start at 7.15 p.m. We would not invite a speaker to the Annual Parish Meeting although reports would be given by the Chair and Clerk.

To appoint David Thornburn as the Internal Auditor

Two clients of David Thornburn had sent references as to the service he could provide and those were circulated in advance. Resolved: that David Thornburn be appointed the Internal Auditor.

To discuss whether or not we wish to instruct a Pest Controller to control the moles that are affecting the Green

A quote had been obtained from MozzyMak pest control services in Bourne which stated they were happy to deal with the current mole problem for a one-off price of £100. They charge other parish councils £90 a month for a monthly contract, however, as we are relatively close by they can offer a monthly contract based on £50/mth, paid quarterly. This would involve regular checks throughout the year and ensure any activity is dealt with promptly. Another quote was obtained for £50 as a one-off price and thereafter there would be a charge of £20 per mole that was caught. Resolved: that we instruct MozzyMak to undertake this work on a one off basis then review if problems persist.

To discuss the problem of dog fouling in the village and what can be done about it.

The issue as discussed in the Open Forum was considered and it was agreed that the following would be done.
● The Clerk will write to the school requesting that a reminder be sent to all parents advising them of the rules and asking for their cooperation.
● Signage to be prepared and installed in Bottom Street and at the lay-by next to the Green.
● A shovel to be placed along the bridleway to encourage dog owners to clean up after their dogs.
● The school would be asked if the children would like to design a poster which could be placed in the village asking dog owners to clean up after their dogs.
● A short article will be written for the Three Towers reminding residents who own dogs of their obligations.
The Clerk advised he had already written to the school, but we had not as yet had a reply. Cllr Kirkwood had written an article for the Three Towers and this should be in the next edition.
The Chair reported that several parishioners had mentioned to him that somebody was leaving ‘dog poo’ bags at various locations around the village, a well-intended action no doubt, but one which was creating litter and potentially hazardous to stock and wildlife such as deer. They are respectfully requested to stop doing this.

To approve the purchase of a defibrillator and installation at the Village Hall.

Mark Farrar from WEL Medical joined the meeting on the 8th March to answer questions about how the defibrillator worked, access arrangements and periodic maintenance required. Cllr Henriques has researched alternative suppliers and concluded that the pricing offered by WEL Medical was competitive and it was reassuring to know Thurlby had experienced no difficulties dealing with this supplier.
The trustees for the Witham Church and School Estate have approved installation of the defibrillator in a cabinet beside the main entrance to the Village Hall, the only reservation being who will be responsible for the cost of the annual power consumption for the heated cabinet. It is hoped that this being estimated at less than £15 annually the Trust will accept responsibility.
Cllr Henriques was also able to confirm that he had met with Town & Country Ltd to discuss wiring requirements in the village hall and that a quote at an acceptable level for the work had been received. He had also submitted an interim report to all councillors prior to the meeting setting out recommendations and confirming the cost including installation would be £1,524 inc VAT. Consumables going forward would be new pads every 2/3 years approx £40 and a new battery every five years approx £170 based on current prices. He thought that a budget of £1,600 would be sufficient to buy the equipment and have it installed, the VAT element being recovered subsequently.
A discussion followed based on comments made during the open forum as to whether the purchase of a defibrillator was likely to be a genuinely useful asset and it was decided that despite the practical limitations on deploying it in an emergency, it was nevertheless a worthwhile purchase and the Council had adequate funds available. The question of CPR training was raised and it was felt this could be dealt with separately as the equipment was designed for use by anyone in an emergency. Such training, although beneficial, would not make any difference if those people were elsewhere when an emergency occurred.
Resolved: That the iPAD SP1 defibrillator and wall cabinet be purchased and installed within a budget of £1,600 inc VAT.

To receive an update on the purchase of equipment to prevent speeding in the Village

Cllr Henriques explained that he had sent a cheque to the Road Safety Partnership and a detailed map of where the sign(s) could be moved to periodically. He had been advised we should get a reply sometime in April after the suggested sites had been approved as appropriate. We would then know if we should proceed with the purchase of a reactive speed sign.

To confirm Expenditure – £294.36 – B M Champness (salary Jan, Feb and March)
£73.20 – HMRC (PAYE)
[ ]denotes those payments paid between meetings, which have been approved by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parish Council or at a previous meeting but not listed
Payments made by Direct Debit - £0.00

98 1
Resolved that the payment be approved.

Any other business – Reminder – by law no decision can be made under this item only information exchanged.

There being no other business the meeting was formally closed at 20.10

The date of the next meeting to be held on Monday 4th May 2021 at 7.00 p.m. by video conference (Zoom) unless it was possible by then to convene at St Andrew’s Parish Hall, Witham on the Hill.